Adopt precision viticulture practices applied to sustainable development is reflected in giving only what you need, where you need it and when you need it. It is a absolute innovetion not only in the wine scene, but in the entire food industry.
Thematic Maps
By multispectral aerial surveys and samples are obtained thematic maps, direct and indirect. The first one consists of multispectral maps, thermal etc obtained directly from the relief and subsequent postprocessing (geometric and radiometric), the latter include vegetation indices (NDVI etc), derived maps (sugar content, anthocyanins, acidity etc), prescription maps (differential fertilization, thinning etc) and maps VRT (Variable Rate Technology: differentiated phytosanitary treatments etc).
Ripening kinetics
The activity of the grape harvest is well suited to the management of the site-specific vineyard is that manually (or mechanically assisted) or automated. The kinetics of maturation is assessed by identifying targets discriminating the destination of wine grapes and whose show significant variations within the vineyard. Sometimes oenological results can also lead to obtaining wines radically opposed, increasing quality and optimizing production with obvious gains from the grower.